Heartland Renewable Energy Society plans to have virtual workshops as often as time and circumstances permit.
Past Virtual Workshops are listed below with the most recent at the top of this listing.

HRES Event Music by Soular
HRES Presents Music by Soular Craig Wolfe Presents an Environmental Musical Journey...

Owner Rehab to All Electric and Energy Efficient Home
The Presentation Owner Rehab to All Electric and Energy Efficient HomePresented by Stephen Melton...

History and Future of Residential Energy Codes
The PresentationThe History and Future of Residential Energy CodesPresented by Sharla...

Rebates and Tax Credits
Heartland Renewable Energy SocietyCo-Sponsors a Virtual WorkshopRebates & Tax Credits for...

KCMO Sustainability Plan
Andy Savastino will be presenting on the City’s new Climate Protection & Resilience Plan (CPRP), adopted by the Kansas City council in August. The CPRP is an equity-centered roadmap to help our community achieve our greenhouse gas emission reduction goals of climate neutrality for city operations by 2030 and citywide by 2040 and adapt to flooding, extreme heat, and other climate change impacts already experienced in the region.

Ice House Roofing Keeps You Cool
Orlo Stitt will be presenting on Icehouse Roofs and how a properly designed and installed Icehouse roof will naturally exhaust excessive summer heat through convection.

Metro Energy Center Protecting the Environment
Kelly Gilbert, director of Metropolitan Energy Center (MEC) in Kansas City, will give an overview of the history, purpose and current goals and projects at MEC, which is the region’s only nonprofit dedicated to reducing the impact of both buildings and transportation on our environment and climate.

Sustainability – What Does It Mean?
Chet, an HRES Board member, will guide us through the true meaning for us and for Planet Earth of sustainability. We have all come to understand (hopefully) that the Earth is a planet of limited resources. We must discover how to meet our food, products, and transportation needs using renewable, reusable, zero waste and carbon dioxide emitting processes.

What is a Home Energy Audit?
What is a Home Energy Audit? Who do you call? How do you prioritize work on your home? Are there programs to help pay for it? These questions and more will be answered in this webinar that will cover the concepts and process in the professional energy auditing industry.

Grow Lettuce in Your Living Room
If you want to be more food self-sufficient, eat pesticide-free veggies, save time and money, an indoor LED passive hydroponics garden may be just what the doctor ordered. In this webinar, Dan Chiras will describe how you can produce a ton of produce including microgreens in your home in one-quart canning jars, self-watering containers, 3-gallon buckets, and microgreen trays.

EV Basics and Industry Trends
Over the past year, traditional automakers have joined the electric vehicle (EV) revolution by pledging over $50 billion towards domestic research and manufacturing by 2025. Between strong support from both industry and the federal government, the winds of change are not just blowing…they are roaring.

Long-Duration Energy Storage and Green Hydrogen
As we move our way into 21st century energy solutions, we are likely to experience an energy future that few of us have considered. Joe Spease will examine two of these new areas of discovery and innovation.

Chinese Greenhouse Book With Intro Video
This virtual workshop video features Dan Chiras, Author of ” The Chinese Greenhouse” as he explains how to build and use these unique structures to provide food for your family without the need for commercial heating or cooling energy.

Going Solar the Right Way Presentation
Whether you are building a home or installing a solar energy system, there are details that many people are not aware of. Join us to better understand how to make sure you are getting the most out of Solar Energy.

Green Residential Construction Programs – A Comparison
Join energy instructor Sharla Riead for an overview of some of the most popular standards for building energy-efficient homes.

There is More Going on with Wind and Solar Than We Realize! Bill Roush is Presenter
Updated talk from December, 2019, on industrial wind and solar and how they have grown to be key players in the energy market. To start of 2021, we’re going to update a talk from December, 2019, on industrial wind and solar, how they have grown to be key players in the energy market.

Changes in Passive Solar Construction
In this presentation led by past HRES president Craig Wolfe, we will examine the elements of passive solar and energy efficient construction that have survived the tests of time, and those that have been improved over time.

Energy Mortgages
Join Ken Riead as he explains how the energy mortgage process works using information from Bob Solger’s home, which was featured in the previous HRES virtual workshop. Ken is joined by Shauna Zahner, the designer of Bob’s home, and by Sharla Riead for technical software support and her energy expertise.

Everything Solar
Heartland Renewable Energy Society as been on sabbatical during the COVID-19 crisis, but we are getting back into the swing of things with a great “Virtual HRES Workshop!”