by Ken | Sep 27, 2020 | Clean News from the Heartland
Heartland Renewable Energy Society – HRES has a Local Home in the 25th National Virtual Solar Tour! John Lueder's Solar Home Click on Photo to View Entry...
by Ken | Jun 10, 2020 | Clean News from the Heartland
HRES Virtual Workshop "Everything Solar" By Bob Solger Saturday, June 20, 10:00 am Reply to Craig Wolfe to confirm your attendance and receive instructions to virtually attend. Heartland Renewable Energy Society has been on sabbatical during the COVID-19 crisis, but...
by Ken | Mar 23, 2020 | Clean News from the Heartland
A walking tour of the Second and Delaware Project was tentatively planned for April, 2020 but circumstances have changed. There is the potential for a virtual tour but planning for one is on hold. This does not mean that we cannot provide information about this unique...