HRES Presents a Virtual Workshop

Sustainability - What Does It Mean?

Presented on:

Saturday, May 28, 10:00 am Central Time
Presented by Chet McLaughlin
Chet, an HRES Board member, will guide us through the true meaning for us and for Planet Earth of sustainability. We have all come to understand (hopefully) that the Earth is a planet of limited resources. We must discover how to meet our food, products, and transportation needs using renewable, reusable, zero waste and carbon dioxide emitting processes. Chet will break this down for us in our daily lives. Here are the areas covered:

  • Inside Your Home
  • Enhancing Your Envelope
  • Improving Your Yard and Grounds
  • Changing Your Habits
  • Upgrading Your Mobility
  • New Home Concepts
  • Further Activities - Resources

We will learn how to improve our habits so that we each can be helping Planet Earth achieve ... Sustainability. Chet has provided a PDF for your review prior to his presentation in case you want to ask questions (see below after About the Speaker).

Chet has a degree in Civil Engineering and a Masters in Environmental Health Engineering both from KU.  For 40 years, I served as EPA Region 7’s solid waste engineer while starting the hazardous waste program, the underground storage tank program, the pollution prevention program and the energy star program.  My final assignments were climate change and sustainability, working with state agencies and colleges.

Chet has worked as a volunteer at the Overland Park Recycling Center and as a Master Gardener in Miami County.  His interests are in active and passive solar energy and wind energy started in the mid 1990’s when the scepter of climate driven oblivion was presented by AIG to the insurance world.  Renewable energy replacing fossil fuels is the only solution.  Sustainable living styles and practices feed into the climate solution.

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