HRES Presents a Virtual Workshop

Dan Chiras presents his latest book: "Grow Lettuce in Your Living Room"

Feed your family from your indoor LED Hydroponic Garden - Join us as Dan explains how.

If you want to be more food self-sufficient, eat pesticide-free veggies, save time and money, an indoor LED passive hydroponics garden may be just what the doctor ordered. In this webinar, Dan Chiras will describe how you can produce a ton of produce including microgreens in your home in one-quart canning jars, self-watering containers, 3-gallon buckets, and microgreen trays. You'll learn how to set up a simple system, the type of nutrients you will need, and the type of grow lights that will produce the best results.
Dan Chiras, Ph.D. is author of 40 books most of which are focused on self-sufficiency and sustainability with many popular titles on solar and wind energy. Dan is co-author of Grow Lettuce in Your Living Room: Feed Your Family from Your Indoor LED Hydroponic Garden. Dan has taught at several major colleges and universities and taught numerous workshops on self-sufficiency and sustainability.

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