Green Residential Construction Programs - A Comparison

With our own Sharla Riead
Tuesday, May 4 at 4 pm CDT
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Join energy instructor Sharla Riead for an overview of some of the most popular standards for building energy-efficient homes.

For this month’s virtual presentation, the Kansas City BS* and Beer discussion group is welcoming Sharla Riead of the EnergySmart Institute to explain some of the different “green” programs available in our industry to help designers and builders choose and meet standards that can help them build more sustainable, energy-efficient homes. Sharla will discuss what these programs include and why homeowners, home buyers, and builders care about these programs.

Her presentation will cover the following popular programs:

* LEED for Homes
* National Green Building Standard
* Zero-Energy-Ready Home
* Passive House
* Enterprise Green Communities

Presenter: Sharla Riead
Sharla Riead provides accredited training for ICC, RESNET, ENERGY STAR, and EnergySmart Contractor programs. She has been promoting energy efficiency and green building since 1979 when she started her company, Hathmore Technologies.

Join us LIVE on Tuesday, May 4, at 5 PM ET

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