HRES Presents a Virtual Workshop

HRES Energy Mortgage Workshop Recording Now Available!

Links to Software Used in Energy Mortgage Virtual Workshop: Click here

Join Ken Riead as he explains how the energy mortgage process works using information from Bob Solger’s home, which was featured in the previous HRES virtual workshop. Ken is joined by Shauna Zahner, the designer of Bob’s home, and by Sharla Riead for technical software support and her energy expertise.

Ken will walk you through using the REMCollect™ hybrid app to collect the building and energy information about Bob’s home. We will then upload the collected data into REMCheck™, a cloud-based quality assurance (QA) platform that instantly analyzes the inputs to make sure that they are reliably correct.

Once we have performed QA on the information about Bob’s home we will then transfer it into REM/Rate® energy modeling software by NORESCO, the very same software that certified home energy raters use across the USA and in territories like Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands use to generate HERS Ratings and qualify homes for Energy Mortgages.

We will then review the reports that are used to verify the energy mortgage results that are used by the secondary mortgage markets like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA-HUD and the Veteran’s Administration or VA.

A cursory overview of the energy mortgage programs offered by the secondary mortgage markets will occur followed by a Question and Answer period.

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