Important Solar Notice for Kansans!



Grid Access Fees Stifle Solar Growth in Kansas

Save Kansas Solar - Submit a Public Comment Opposing Evergy’s Grid Access Fees!

ET NO. 18-WSEE-328-RTS

Evergy is proposing a new rate design for residential solar customers, the rate design includes a monthly residential grid access fee of $3.00 per kW of installed distributed generation capacity. Distributed generation capacity refers to the size of a customer’s rooftop solar panel. If this proposal is unacceptable to the Commission, Evergy’s alternative request is a minimum bill amount of $35 to all residential customers monthly bills (including those without solar). Their expert witness testimony can be found here.

We need Kansans to flood the commission with comments!

Here are ways you can have your voice heard on this important matter that will hurt solar in Kansas:

1) Sign up to give public testimony or plan to watch the Kansas Corporation Commission’s virtual public hearing on November 5th at 6pm. Registration is for Kansans wishing to make a comment during the hearing. A live video stream will be available on the Commission's YouTube channel for anyone wishing to watch, but not comment during the public hearing.

2) Submit a public comment to the KCC. Comments can be submitted on the KCC’s websitevia email, written letter, or by phone. See the box below for email address, mailing address, and phone number. See sample statements here.

Please help CEP track public comments in opposition to this proposal by completing this simple form.

*Please note - You can only sign up for ONE of the options, public testimony or written comment.


*Help CEP track public comments


Phone:  1-800-662-0027 or (785) 271-3140

TDD Kansas Relay Center: (800) 766-3777

Fax: (785) 271-3111

Mail:  Kansas Corporation Commission,

Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection,

1500 SW Arrowhead Rd., Topeka, KS 66604-4027

Reference Docket No 18-WSEE-328-RTS

*Help Save Kansas Solar track public comments by copying us on comments that are emailed, and by filling out this short form to inform us of your comment being sent.

Email for questions.

Submit comments by December 21, 2020 at 5 pm.

Climate + Energy Project
PO Box 1858
Hutchinson, KS 67504

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