EF21 - Virtual Earth Day Festival

EF21 Online is the safe and powerful way to engage with climate issues from home!

April 17-18 - Saturday & Sunday

Click HERE to register

Past HRES President Craig Wolfe and current HRES President Ken Riead will be presenting:

"How to Go Solar the Right Way"

Sunday, April 18, 5:00 pm

Here is a list of all presentations:

Climate Speakers Forum

4/17 @ 11:00 am

Keynotes by

AY Young, 2020 United Nations Youth Leader
Howie Hawkins, 2020 Presidential Candidate

Climate University


1:00 pm: Climate Solutions Supercharged, Kansas City Drawdown Society
2:00 pm: Composting Food Waste & Trying To Stop It, Missouri Organic Recycling
3:00 pm: “Sew”-stainability, The Sewing Labs
4:00 pm: Tech, It Does a Planet Good, Re.Use.Full
5:00 pm: Carbon Footprint Eating, Carbon Footprint Eating

CinemaKC Presents:


4/17 @ 7:00 pm

Climate University

SUNDAY, 4/18
11:00 am: KC's Regional Climate Action Plan, Climate Action KC
1:00 pm: Federal Carbon-Pricing Legislation, Citizens Climate Lobby KC
2:00 pm: Microplastics and the Environment, Aquatic Ecology Lab
3:00 pm: Renewable Energy Programs & Incentives, Renew Missouri
4:00 pm: Compost and Compassion, KC Can Compost
5:00 pm: How to Go Solar the Right Way, Heartland Renewable Energy Society

Climate Concert

4/18 @ 7:00 pm

Don't forget the 2021 Earth Festival ONLINE

April 17-18, 2021

Sign Up HERE


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