I have had a personal interest in renewables since mid-1970’s energy crisis. On my own, I studied passive solar, energy efficiency, and photovoltaics design with local climate in mind. I also focused on using free energy available on individual family, neighborhood, and community level to the practical extent possible.

In the 1980s and early 1990s, I volunteered with neighborhood organization in Independence, Missouri, helping residences with weatherization and energy efficient remodeling. I gave presentations, organized solar homes tours, and organizing neighborhood and service groups to weatherize home of needy and elderly. I was a subscriber to Solar Today and at some point member American Solar Energy Society.

In the mid 1990’s to 2005, my day job was working on the creation of residential subdivisions, and was part of a building company that built four green homes that met local Kansas City Home Builders green building guidelines. The homes included energy star status in addition to meeting green criteria.

In the early 2000’s, I participated as volunteer and on committee organizing the Heartland Renewable Energy Society annual October Energy Tour for a number of years.  I also was a speaker on topics of Passive Solar Energy, Emerging Renewable Energy Topics, and 2017 Solar Decathlon. In and around 2006 to 2007, I became a board member and held various offices.  I am the President of HRES, beginning in 2024 and into 2025.

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HRES is a Chapter of the American Solar Energy Society – ASES