How Advances in Energy Audits Maximize Energy Tax Credits

For conscientious homeowners who have made energy improvements on their homes in 2024 or want to plan ahead for future upgrades, we will explore IRS Form 5695 - Residential Energy Credits for obtaining the available federal tax credits.

We will also present advances in home Energy Audits that can help homeowners get more accurate predictions on savings from energy conservation measures so they can make informed decisions for prioritizing comfort, health, and energy and to maximize their available tax credits.

Presented by Paul Karr & Bryton Stoll

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Paul Karr

BS in Construction Science from Kansas State University in 1988.
Worked in Commercial Engineering Consulting for 29 years specializing in HVAC, Plumbing, and Electrical design & construction.
Became a licensed PE Professional Engineer in the State of Texas in 2007.
Earned an MS in Architecture from K-State completing a Computational Fluid Dynamics airflow simulation study of a residential "Air Floor" HVAC Distribution Model.
Worked for K-State as an Assistant Professor for four years and served as Faculty Advisor/Coach for MCAA and Solar Decathlon student competition teams.
Became Director of Engineering Programs at K-State Olathe for two years and then more recently became a BPI Building Analyst Professional and Certified HERS Modeler doing residential energy audits for the last two years.

Bryton Stoll

BS In Mechanical Engineering from Kansas University.
Worked as an engineer for Westar Energy for 3 years.
Is a HERS Energy Rater, Certified for Energy Star, ZERH, air PLUS, and PHIUS.

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IRS Form 5695 Residential Energy Credits for Calendar Year 2024

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