Video of the Solar Home Tour Coming Soon...

HRES October 12th In-Person Solar Home Tour at 10am

Melton residence in Parkville, MO
Suburb in north Kansas City Metro area. I-29 to 64th street.
Address week before event to registered participates

Open house on Saturday October 12, 2024, at 10 am. Guided tour. Ending at 11:30 am.

  1. 22 solar photovoltaic panels. Each panel near 400 watts. Near net zero for summer usage.
    1. 10 panels facing near east.
    2. 12 panels facing south west.
  2. Grid tied inverter.
  3. Utility is Evergy.
  4. Production started this summer.
  5. A retrofitted home to be a high performance. Previous features in HRES you-tube session April 2023.
    1. Converted to all electric home.
    2. Attic insulation replaced and upgraded.
    3. Blower door tested to find and reduce air infiltration.
    4. Installed a high-efficiency heat pump
    5. Added an ERV for fresh air exchange
    6. And more.


HRES August 2024 Virtual Workshop Presentation

EmPower Northeast Kansas City, Missouri

Solar Power is for ALL!

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Historically in the United States, the high up-front cost of residential solar installations has generally meant that these installations are only feasible for middle- to upper-income individuals.  The only federal incentives available have been in the form of tax credits, which isn’t much of an incentive for low-income individuals who don’t have the “tax appetite” to benefit from these credits.  However, low-income individuals could potentially benefit the most from clean energy installations, because the lower an individual’s income is, the higher percentage of that income is spent on energy.  EmPower the Northeast, a program at Jerusalem Farm in the Kansas City, Missouri Northeast neighborhood, is trying to address this problem.  Through an innovative financing model, EmPower Northeast KCMO is making solar power affordable to the people who stand to benefit from it the most.


About the speaker


Adam Rossi is an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer with the Kansas City Public Library.  His placement site is Jerusalem Farm, a nonprofit organization and intentional community in The Northeast of Kansas City, MO.  He started EmPower the Northeast at Jerusalem Farm, a program that aims to make rooftop solar power systems affordable for low-income homeowners in the Northeast.  He has worked on this project for nearly two years, and has been at Jerusalem Farm for over four years total.  Before coming to live and work at the Farm, he was a high school environmental science teacher.


HRES Presents Music by Soular


Craig Wolfe Presents an Environmental Musical Journey

Join This Musical Journey with Past HRES President Craig Wolfe

Our Zoom workshop on April 27 will be, well, a little unusual. In our youth, one way we were inspired to care about the Earth was through music. Our own Craig Wolfe was so inspired that he wrote music for his 5-piece band Amdahl Wolfe in the 70's. 

He continued writing and playing his environmental and other tunes in his duo Soular from 2012 to the present (and sometimes a 4 piece band and studio work). Craig also became well versed in his home-grown studio to make recordings of his tunes.

 So, on April 27 we will listen to and watch Craig's music videos of his own original environmental tunes, and talk with Craig and Randy Deutch, the bass player for Amdahl Wolfe and Soular. 

Here are some of the titles we will see and hear: Hope Of Man, Take It Back, Joanna, You Better Worry, Book of the Heart, Solar Prayer, Please Take Your Devil, The Last Journal Entry, Stand Up, and Hang My Head Down.

Oh, and plug in your good speakers and head phones!!


View the Three Great Presentations Given at the HRES Board & Committee Meeting

Makenna Nickens presents on Environment & Missouri Energy and Utility Policy on behalf of the Missouri Coalition for the Environment.

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Zack Pistora of HRES and Sierra Club Presents on Kansas' Energy Future - Policies and Promise

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Bob Grove Presents on his "Field Guide to Climate Change" Book

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Makenna "Mak" Nickens Presents for the Missouri Coalition for the Environment

Update on Missouri Rebates, Incentives and More

Bob Grove Presents on His:

Field Guide to Climate Change

Tap on Book Cover for More Info

Zack Pistora Presents for the Sierra Club of Kansas

Kansas Energy Incentives and Legislative Updates


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HRES is a Chapter of the American Solar Energy Society – ASES